When I set out to begin blogging - I thought no problem I can put a couple new posts out a week and keep everyone in the loop about the happenings in Room 210. HA - what a fool I was! It's been a couple of months since my last post. I guess it's not that easy once the school year picks up and shifts into high gear.
I'm happy to report the year is flying by and as an 8th grade we are approaching some pretty exciting times. The students turned in their high school course selection sheets on Friday. Today we began our third week of the second semester, and the 8th grade is about to embark on a project based learning adventure. Our 8th grade PBL includes a family literacy component, and multiple mini-research projects on a very important topic - bullying. The ultimate goal/objective of this project is to have our current 8th grade students leave a little gift to next year's Roehm Raptors in the form of a board of education approved anti-bullying policy.
Next year, Frederick Roehm Middle School will be a 5-8 building. In order to ease the minds of parents/guardians who will be sending their child/children to Roehm, we have decided to take a proactive, hands-on approach to make sure our building is a welcoming environment where children can "achieve dreams they never imagined possible."
The first of several project presentations was given this morning to the 8th grade E/LA department, and Roehm's leadership team. Tomorrow evening the project will be presented to Roehm's PTA, and Wednesday morning to the rest of the 8th grade team. By the end of this week I hope all major participants are on board with this important and unique opportunity. It is my plan to use this blog as place to post updates on the projects progress. This will be a major learning opportunity for all participants.